Sunday, April 25, 2010

Using Voki's

A couple of weeks ago I created my first Voki to introduce new readers to my blog. The Voki was very basic and only really highlighted the title of the blog and myself so here is a Voki I have created to help further expand on what my blog is about. Let me introduce all the way from Alaska, Sarah Palin!

A voki can be utilised by teachers for a number of things. The first thing that comes to mind is using it as a hook to get students interested in the topic about to be taught. For example I’m sure if you used Borat to introduce a unit of work on Europe many students would see the funny side and pay attention to the content that you are about to teach. You can also use a Voki to direct students with certain activities, some students in your class may have trouble reading so the use of a Voki can help direct them through the content that you are trying to teach.

You can also break down the use of a Voki even further for educational purposes. A voki could be used to help with spelling and sounding out words. Students could type in the spelling word and associate that word with the sound projected by the Voki. Hopefully during my embedded professional learning I can incorporate Voki’s with my teaching and find out new uses for the technology.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lachlan,

    Great idea with using Voki's as a syntactic oral learning tool. In the classroom i am in for my EPL 1, the students do their weekly spelling words using LSCWC (look-say-cover-write-check). There are some students in the class who can loose focus during this exercise. The students could incorporate their list of spelling words into a voki to make the exercise fun and interactive while still focusing on the spelling of the word (remembering if the student does not spell the word correctly the voki will not say the word correctly).


