Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Using Video Images to Introduce Pedagogical Concepts

Probably the most used piece of digital pedagogy I have used in my blogging is the use of a video. I have used many you tube clips to demonstrate the benefits of blogs, how to use a wiki and to elaborate on a number of other different topics that I have talked about. I have found videos as a great assest for this ICT’s course, in particular youtube. However in the last ten minutes I have used the website teachertube to find relevant videos that i could use in my embedded professional learning tomorrow.

The first video that I will post focuses on the use of a protractor to measure angles and to establish differences between triangles (eg. Right angled, equilateral, isosceles and scalene triangles). Today I took a lesson on protractors after many explanations on the electronic whiteboard, however some students had missed out due to other schooling commitments. Using a classroom blog students could view the video below and catch up on lessons missed. I find that many of the students love to interact with technology and engage in the lesson presented on the video.

The unit of work that my grade 5/6 class is doing this term is ‘why go there’. One of the topics of the unit involved students going on a field trip and evaluating the environment at Murray Lagoon near the botanic gardens in Rockhampton. Students will be asked to make movies using the digital photos they have taken and use that movie in an oral presentation. The video will incorporate both technical and pedagogical learning topics. Students will have to be taught the basics of a digital camera and then how to use iMovie. It will be interesting to see what the students can produce.

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