Sunday, March 28, 2010

Digital Pedagogies!

What an eye-opening week for me in regards to the teaching profession. Since leaving High School in 2003 I cannot believe the steps ICT’s in Learning Design have taken. I consider myself to be fairly young and fresh out of the school system and would have the ability to say this is where the teaching and lesson design is at. But over the past seven years there have been some amazing innovations that have incorporated both ICT’s and learning pedagogies.

The first thing that I am amazed at is the use of blogs by teachers and the great things you can do with them. Blogs are a great way of promoting analyses and evaluation of the topic content you have taught, they can basically be a discussion board for you classroom to analyse the declarative and procedural knowledge you have taught. Here is a great YouTube clip that highlights the advantages of incorporating blogs in your teaching.

The use of wiki’s can also be a great way of incorporating ICT’s into your teaching and promoting higher order thinking. I have just created a Wiki for a committee that I am in, and I hope that the wiki will be an effective tool for both planning and coordinating events and highlighting key dates for the year. Here is a great You Tube clip that explains Wiki’s in a very simple term.

There are other amazing forms of technology that I have applied this week such as Google reader and voki’s that I will talk about in future posts. The one valuable piece of information that I have taken away from this week is that the use of ICT’s can help foster ‘life-long learners’ and develop valuable skills such as creativity, complex thinking, effective communication and understanding. I am looking forward to potential using what I have learnt this week and applying it in the classroom!

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